Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Beauty Sleep

Have you ever been so tired that you fall asleep at the kitchen table?

Or at the park?

Have you ever been so tired that you share a blanket with the kid across the room?

or go to bed with dirty feet?


Have you ever been so tired you fall asleep on top of the person already sleeping on the couch?

Have you ever taken a picture of your sister-in-law while she was sleeping? Check out those lashes. 

Have you ever been so tired that you plop down next to your water dish?
Have you ever risked life, limb and all of your relationships because you like to take pictures of people sleeping? I have and I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt about it either.


1 comment:

Ross, Toby and Holden said...

hilarious. my favorite is sharing a blanket across the room. i think i'll try it.
