Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 Hour Adventure

Thomas worked late into the night on Friday night so that he wouldn't have any homework/studying to do on Saturday. We got into the car at 9:57 am and we took off. We had no real desitnation in mind but we knew we wanted to get out of town. We got onto I-90 and hit a bunch of fog and thought that it might not be the best day for an adventure. Now, this had happened to us before. One time we left Portland to head to the coast. The entire way there it was nothing but rain & fog however, as soon as we got the coast it was all sunshine & blue skies. This is how that day ended.

So, we decided to keep going. Next thing we knew we were 24 miles to Paradise. Now that we know how to get to Paradise we decided to leave that it for another day. We managed to stop at an overpriced antique store in St. Regis, Montana then we went to a Trout Aquarium where Thomas had a unique experience. He went into the men's restroom but he didn't see the Wo before men.
We turned around to head back into Idaho. We stopped in Wallace where we found what was formerly a house of ill-repute and now a musuem preserving a piece of history.

However, the most important thing we discovered in Wallace was The Center of the Universe. And here all this time I was sure it had been me that was the center of the universe.

Just outside of Wallace we hit up highway 4 which took us directly to a ghost town. How did we know it was a ghost town. Well, there were all the vacant buildings and structures but mostly it was the auto shop that gave it away.

That's right, Ghost Town Auto. And even Ghost Town Auto was vacant, which I think further justifies it being an authentic ghost town.

 We pulled up to our house at 10:03 pm feeling like we'd seen the world. In the end it was a magical, beautiful, perfect sort of day. Even more perfect because I got to spend the day with the man I love.
