Thursday, October 15, 2009

I went to conference and came home with the swine flu

Through an unfortunate series of events I have contracted the swine flu. When I lived in Portland my cable package was paid through my employer. This being the case I opted for the largest cable package my employer would allow. I got all sorts of great channels including a wide variety of movie channels and sport packages. I also got the BYU channel, which I admit was seldom watched except on two weekends a year when the leaders of my church spoke to me on this channel. Now, had I not had the cable package I did, I still would have been able to watch on PBS. Well, as most of you know I have recently moved to Spokane, Washington while my husband is attending law school. Since our cable is no longer being paid by my employer, because I have no employer, we have had to settle for a much reduced (both financially as well as in the number of channels) cable package. This package does not allow for us to watch any given movie at any given time, nor does it allow for us to watch whatever sporting event we want to. In addition, this package does not allow for me to listen to the words of my spiritual leaders from the comfort of my own home while still in my pajamas. In addition, Spokane PBS does not take pity on me and it does not play these semi-annual conferences. As a result I had to do something that I hadn't done in years. I had to leave the comfort of my home and attend the conference at a church meetinghouse. Since my Stake Center is in Cheney (about 20 minutes away) I opted to drive to a different Stake Center here in Spokane. I'm not sure when it happened but on Sunday I began to have an annoying dry cough. On Monday I woke up and raked some of the pine needles that were covering both our front & back yards. And sure enough by monday afternoon it hit me full on. My throat has been so sore, I won't tell you about the stuff that I've been coughing up, and I haven't had much of a voice for about a week now. Also, by the time I decided to see the doctor it was too late for me to get on the Tamiflu, so I've been forced to ride it out. Well, I did get some cough medicine that's supposed to help me sleep at night unfortunately all it did was make my stomach sick. The one fortunate part is that I'm not working so I've been able to stay in bed and rest up. So now I'm trying to figure out who to blame. Do I blame it on conference? Do I blame it on PBS? Maybe I should blame it on the pine needles.  Or maybe I should just blame it on this kid.


Ryan said...

Ouch! Sorry you got nailed by the swine flu. But just think of the blessings you are racking up by getting the swine flu at general conference. That has to be a golden ticket to the big dance in heaven. Hope you are enjoying Spokane and not missing the joys of Portland too much. Miss ya.

Ross, Toby and Holden said...

I also earned my snout. I was on vacation. Maybe we should never leave our homes again.
