Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday Girl

This is my sister Joelle.

She is one of the best sisters a girl could ask for. These are just a few of the reasons why I love her:
1. She's very sassy and she's got a quick wit.

2. She plays the cello and almost every other instrument she picks up. In fact she was the orchestra teacher at her local junior high and is currently the choir director.

3. Her students love her. I even looked her up on and this is how one of her students rates her:

4. Thomas thinks she's great because "she's real."

5. She's always willing to try something new even when that something new is hummus.

6. She's provided me with some of the cutest nephews & niece around. She's a really great mom. (sorry Ronnie, I couldn't find a pic of you but you are definitely one of my cutest nephews)

7. Mostly she's great because she is always there to offer support, provide encouragement and she's an all around great friend.
Thanks for being my sister! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Turtle Soup

When I was growing up, every summer we would get in our car and we would drive from Southern New Mexico through Colorado or Arizona (depending on the route we would take) and then 16 hours later we would end up at my Aunt's house in Richfield, Utah. These trips were grueling especially since the majority of our day was spent driving through the hot New Mexico desert and often without air conditioning. Most moms try to play games with their kids during trips such as these. There's the license plate game, I spy, write notes to other drivers, etc. However, my mom had us play the turtle game, which there were only two rules to the game:
1. Keep your eyes peeled for any turtles
2. When you see a turtle yell it out as fast as you can.

It seemed like we would always see some desert tortoise walking as slow as he could across the freeway just begging to get run over. My mom couldn't take it. If we saw a turtle we would pull over to the side of the road and go get it. Usually we would let it loose on the other side but occasionally it would join us on the journey. It seemed like we always had a turtle or two hanging out in our backyard. I even very distinctly remember a time I convinced my brother to hold his finger in front of the turtles mouth and see what it would do. Sure enough it bit him and wouldn't let go. I remember him screaming and running around the backyard with a turtle attached to his finger. Ahhh, the good old days. Since that time my parents have opened somewhat of a turtle refuge in their backyard. They even landscaped their backyard around the turtles. Apparently, it's very important that male and female turtles hibernate seperately. For this reason it's very important to distinguish the males from the females, so my parents have a letter/number system they use. The males are given letters, the females have numbers, or vice versa.

In the new backyard they have many rocks to hide under and leafy, camoflauge retreats, they even have a couple of turtle waterparks. They have a few secret passageways and they have free reign of the garden. In short, I'm utterly and completely jealous of the turtles. I want to hate them and sabotage them somehow and let them know that my parents still love me more than they love them. The problem: how can you hate this!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thomas is like a kick in the solar plexus

I found my new favorite thing to do on the internet when I'm bored. Some people google themselves, but that can get kind of boring unless you have a common name or have lived an interesting life. Sometimes I like to google the names of my friends and family and on occasion I have even learned something new about them. But my new trick is better than all of that. If you google "[your name] is like". You must include the quotation marks or it won't work. It is so funny and has kept me pretty well entertained. Here are some of my favorites.

Thomas is like.....

-Thomas is like having the SS investigate Hitler and his crew for war crimes.
-Thomas is like a kick in the solar plexus.
-Thomas' is like walking into a doll house, but when you get inside, it's like being in one of the great Cathedrals of Europe.
-Thomas is like a cat that moves with silken paws among the sentences that make up a paragraph.
-Thomas is like a pocket battleship. His strength lies in his determination

Here are some of mine:
-Caitlyn is like a jigsaw puzzle
-Caitlyn is like my little sister and if you dont end up lovin her your crazy!
-Caitlyn is like a ninja

And my personal favorite is

-Caitlyn is like a balm for his troubled soul and spirit.

Go ahead, you know you want to do it! I've probably already done it for some of you.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

6 month friend

Dear Blog:

It's officially been 6 months since I last wrote you. I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to write. I'm a terrible friend. Thank you for waiting so patiently for me and allowing me to pick up where I left off. I will try my very best to not be a six month friend. Let me give you a recap of what has been going on:

I became a real artist, you know, one who sells their art in stores. (actually I made some silhouettes that my friend Leah saw and liked. She said that she had a friend in CA who runs a little second hand shop that is trying to find some things to sell. She took some with her and I'm thinking that she probably forced them on her friend. Ayways, I ended up with $65 and now I call myself a real artist)

Then, I had a dream. In my dream I was wearing this ring that was a button. I can't describe the button ring except to say that it was truly the best ring I ever had. I woke up and decided that I must have a button ring. I tried to find one online but they weren't really what I was looking for. I decided I had to make one myself. These aren't the best examples but the only ones I had pics of.

This led to me dabbling in other forms of jewelry making, like this necklace.

Then, Portland had a freak snow storm. Too bad I live at work, it's hard to call the boss and tell her that the commute is too bad and I just can't make it in. It was fun for a few days until I realized that I was responsible for shoveling the sidewalks. I'm pretty sure the snow storm was Sam Adams fault, everything that goes wrong in Portland has him to blame.

I was so bored that I decided to wrap all of my christmas presents in fabric and make funky name tags.

I think that's about it, oh, wait, no, there's one more thing..........I got married. I am now officially Caitlyn Derry Limon, the wife of Thomas Limon.

We stayed at the Nines, the new luxury hotel in Portland. However, when we got to our room there was someone else in it. The Hotel Manager was very apologetic and gave us a room on the Club Level for our troubles. The club level gives you unlimited access to the Club Lounge where we could get complimentary drinks, which unfortunately didn't matter to either of us and I was just too embarassed to ask the waiter for a Shirley Temple. However, we did appreciate the complimentary appetizers and newspapers that were also in the club lounge. Also, for our troubles we got a complimentary plate of chocolates sent to our room. Plus the Hotel was absolutely beautiful. Everything was decorated in brown and turquoise which is one of my favorite color combinations.

And that brings us to now. Thomas finally started hearing back from some law schools. So far he's been accepted to Gonzaga in Spokane, WA and Willamette in Salem, OR. He got scholarship offers to both schools. We went to check out Gonzaga this past weekend. It was a beautiful school. As for Spokane, it's definitely a quirky town. Oddly enough it's the second largest city in Washington and it's also the smallest city to ever host a World's Fair in 1974. We decided that anything we saw that was a little strange and unexplainable must have been left over from the World's fair. Spokane was very cold and although it doesn't stay that way year round I decided that it can't be referred to as winter, it can only be referred to as tundra season, which I think lasts for 2-3 months. While we were there we discovered this run down castle home that I fell in love with. I told Thomas that if we move to Spokane I would drive by that house every day to see if it was for sale, and when it finally came up for sale I would take out whatever subprime loan I had to for us to buy it, to which he agreed. He also promised that if we ever lived in that house he would dress up like Mr. Darcy once a year and court me properly. Who am I to refuse an offer like that.

It's been great catching up with you, I'll write to you again soon and by soon I mean not in another 6 months.

Your friend,
